FMC is a private company and was established in 1949. In 1962, in a joint venture with a U.S. company, we were first to build a shore terminal at Keelung Port, in Northern Taiwan.  
  In 1977, in a joint venture with "Namchow Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.," we built the biggest shore terminal at Taichung Port, in Central Taiwan.  
  These facilities enabled FMC to be in the forefront of sales in the Animal & Vegetable Fats & Oil business in Taiwan. We were also the first in Taiwan to sell Animal Protein Meals from the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore, even as of today, we are still amongst the top companies in the sales of the above.  
  During the last 60 years that FMC has been in business, we have established trade ties, either directly or indirectly, with over 20 countries worldwide, which involved having business relations and transactions with over 200 manufacturers, exporters and traders in the following: Animal & Vegetable Fats & Oils, Animal & Vegetable Protein Meals and Dairy Products.